Wednesday, September 29, 2010

183 Days, 30 pounds, and 14 inches... Go ME!!

Hello world!
I am on Day 3 of the 3rd 90 days of P90X! Today we took measurements, etc. 14 inches of fat gone...BYE BYE!! :) I'm quite proud of myself! One day at a time. Sometimes it is one moment at a time, or one more rep. Look people... if I can do it so can you!

What do you want for your life today? Decide what you want and go for it. Decide to say no to a sweet you may be tempted by... At the same time you are saying YES to a healthier choice. Focus on the YES answers that move you towards your goals today.

I am happy to say we helped someone else get started with P90X this week. She joined us as we worked out for Day 1 and Day 2. She verbally committed to follow the system that is in place to exercise each day. I plan on following up with her and coaching her through her first 90 days. Do you need a coach to help you get going on your health and well-being goals? Let me know and I'll be happy to coach you along the path you want to take to reach goals!

Today, Love yourself right where you are, who you are, as you are! You are a beautiful creation!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

100 Days Since My Last Confession

Forgive me, readers, for I have been negligent in my blogging! Today is day 166 of P90X! I am still going strong! I love being able to exercise and being safe while doing it. In the past I tended to try and do too much and would have to stop exercising to recover. Not this time!! I keep pressing PLAY and following along. I DO MY BEST and FORGET THE REST!! That is definitely the key to success in anything.

I have learned a lot about myself the past 166 days. I want to succeed in this program I'm on. I want to do my best. I keep my eyes focused on the goal for each day, pressing play and following along doing my best! If I travel, my exercises go with me. I am determined to keep going each day.

What are you determined to do in your life? Think about it. Write it down. Take steps each day towards what you want to succeed in. You can do it!

I received an email from someone suggesting I become a Coach for people who are wanting to make a shift in their life towards a more overall healthy life. It makes sense though if you think about it... We always see people after they have succeeded in their weight loss, not in the midst of it. I am already on my way to my goal but still have a ways to go. I would be honored to help people who want to make a shift in their health each day.

Let me know if you have any thoughts or suggestions for me being a coach for other people!!

I'll let you know when I get this going. Until the next time... which will be sooner than 100 days I promise!

What do you want to succeed in today!?

Go for it!

You can do it!

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Day 66!! Yes I'm still "X-ing"!! Just not blogging...

Hello all!
I'm not nearly as consistent with blogging as I am with exercise and Love Pages. I will try to be better! I'll do my best!

My 90 Day Commitment has been an amazing journey of the heart, mind, body, and soul. As I allow God to fill me with His Spirit each day, I continue to do my best at exercise and do my best at Love Pages. The awareness I am receiving of my connection with the Universe and its connection to me grows each day. This is a life transforming journey... not just a physical one.

The physical one is beginning to show itself more and more to me as I get stronger and more fit! Yesterday I saw for sure I am smaller! I edited some video from a class I took back in March. I looked like a round mound... I looked like I was as big around as I am tall. Not a good combination! My exercise and eating choices are paying off!

We decided to start walking on our favorite trail on our Rest Day. It was nice to be in the woods and walking. I could definitely tell a difference in my stamina. I did sweat but I felt good at the end of the 3 miles not completely spent. Hooray!

What has been most exciting, because of this 90 Adventure, is that I can share with other people what is working for me! Several ladies noticed a change in my figure and commented. They too are struggling with weight, etc. I gently shared what I have been doing. Some are ready to make a shift in their lives physically and spiritually, some are mulling it over. I am happy to just share what is working for me! That's what counts!

People will always want to tell you how to do this or that. They mean well, but it is up to each person to decide what they truly want and desire. That's why God gave us CHOICE. We choose what we want to focus on. For me at this present moment, I choose healthy food most of the time... with a treat every now and then! I choose to exercise daily. Some days I'm stronger than others. And, I choose to write in my LOVE pages and grow in my relationship with my Divine God!

So, my friends, you decide what you CHOOSE for your life today! Ask God for inspired action if you are not sure what you want. Be quiet and listen! The still small voice will boom out the answer! :) You can do it!! Do your best and forget the rest!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Whew! Week 5 Legs and Back... Rubber Legs!

I am pooped today! I am happy to say that I did my exercises! I will write my Love Pages later. I think I am going to look into the P90X Meal Planner. It seems like a lot of food... but I think they know more than I do... Surprise! Surprise!

I have worked out every day and plan to stick with it. Today is the first day I felt like I was going to throw up. I think I needed more protein than I had today. I'm also a bit tired from my big Vaca... I know, what's up with that!?!

Today, I did my BEST and forgot the REST! For those of you making shifts in your lives... YOU CAN DO IT!! Do Your BEST and FORGET the REST!!

Gotta go have my recovery drink! Later gator!!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Exercising on vacation!?!?? Who's doing that! I AM!!

Just so you know I am on vacation this week. We left on Sunday after exercising! Kenpo X was a blast on Sunday! I actually did the correct number of reps on almost all the moves. LOVE IT!! We exercised Monday and Tuesday mornings with lots of site seeing afterwords. This is my FIRST vacation to put exercising into my agenda! A new way of living is beginning to form in my world!! It makes me so happy and proud of myself. I am almost crying. For those of you who have the habit of exercise, this may not seem so big to you. It is HUGE for me! I feel my world and life transforming before my very eyes. It is such a blessing to be living in this moment! I know what I want and I'm going for it! Watch out world! Here I come!!

Today, we decided to wait until we arrived at our Timeshare which would be bigger for us to exercise. See, we have a friend we are turning on to P90X! She's been exercising with us but on the correct days...starting at Day 1. That's why we needed a bit more space.... Guess what I did today??? Yoga X! If you've read earlier blogs, you know that Yoga X kicked my butt the first time, especially, that I did it. Well, today was me kicking Yoga X!! I did almost all the planks and as many moves as I could! It felt great!! I was in the Zone! I felt centered and present with what I was doing. WOW!! What a change from Day 4! I'm getting stronger, leaner, more flexible, and DOING MY BEST AND FORGETTING THE REST! That's what it takes!! If I can do it, I know you can as well!

After I exercised, I wrote in my LOVE pages. It was a sweet time because I had just completed Yoga X, doing the best that I had ever done. I also read from my devotional. Something hit me from the day before about committing to a spiritual practice for 30 days. That's what I've been doing! It's exciting!! As I looked back at my devotional just now, I realized I had read next weeks' Wednesday... Oh well, God knows what we need, when we need it. :) I love the path that I am on. I encourage you to take a look at the path that you are on. Is it the one you truly want to be on? If not, figure out what it is you do want! What brings you JOY in life? What are your DREAMS? Write them down. Set a plan in motion. GO FOR IT!!

Love yourself where you are, as you are, who you are!!

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Day 23 P90X and Love Pages

Hello world!

I am very proud of myself for following the P90X daily workout regimen! It has been amazing! I can tell I'm getting stronger and more flexible. My body is beginning to move again! It's very exciting! Today we exercised in the morning because we are picking up a friend for a week vacation in the mountains. We wanted to get our workout in for the day so we can spend time with our friend. I actually feel energized! :) It's a nice feeling!

I have to be honest with you about my Love Pages. I missed one day and almost yesterday. I could tell a big difference in my days. I wasn't focused. I doubted myself. I didn't have patience. 2 hard days. Last night I knew I wanted to at least write yesterday's Love pages before I fell asleep. I didn't want to miss another day. Writing in the Love pages was just what I needed to end my day on a positive note full of love and appreciation.

I realize that it is important to continue to write my Love pages and take the time I need for my spiritual transformation as well as taking the time for my physical transformation. So, here's to a new day with my Love Pages! 2 in a row now. I'll keep it up! One day at a time! One moment at a time!


Thursday, April 15, 2010

Day 21 ... I'm still "X-ing"!!

Hello again, hello!

It's been awhile. When I noticed that today is Day 21 I knew it was the right day to blog some more... 21 is 12 backwards... Hee Hee!

Let's get down to business! I'm still X-ing!! I love it! It feels good to look forward(for the most part) exercising. I will admit not every day is like Yippee, today is... But I have stuck with each day of exercise as well as each day of Love Pages. There have been a few days of exercising later than I intended due to family stuff. I made this commitment and I intend on sticking to it!

The really cool thing is that I see improvement! I can actually do some of the Ab-Ripper X that I couldn't do before. I got up to 5 of the "V" ones near the end of Ab-Ripper X. It's exciting even if I can only do 5. I actually feel muscles in my stomach that I'm sure have never been there before. I keep pressing play like Tony says! I do my best and forget the rest!! That's all I can do!

I also may have a calf muscle forming... SHOCKER!! I love it! I'm able to do lunges better and can feel my thighs hurt a bit the next day. That means something inside got some work... Right!?! :)

Today is a rest day or a stretch day. I have decided to rest from exercising... but I did vacuum my entire house. So, that is a type of small exercise... at least in my book. Tomorrow we begin Week 4 which is mostly toning and stretching. My body needs some recovery time. But I am loving my body changing.

One thing that wasn't so great was when I got on the scale this morning... the numbers weren't as low as I expected them to be... :( But! I know my body is changing. I feel like I am slimming down or re shifting... It's all good! I know I am moving better and eating better! It's a lifestyle shift that I'm doing! One day at a time!!

My LOVE pages have been very empowering! I am very thankful for them. I find new depths to the love I have for myself as well as new depths of love I have for others. Life Shifting again!!

Whatever you are into that will shift your life for the better... stick with it! One day, one moment at a time! Live for today!!

That's it for now!! Remember... It's all good!